Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lazy assed mofo......

I've recently, really really recently gotten into Marvel Legends, and I have to say, it's grown quite a bit since my last update.....lol
Gone a bit Hulk crazy as you can tell from the pic.....

Ya'll remember that I not too long ago put up shelves? Well, THEY WEREN"T ENOUGH!!!!
Had to do some rearrangement over the weekend last.... Looks like a toy shop I would visit..

Ya la, ya la, almost a month went by and no new updates, Ya'll wanna know why? Cause I'm a broke mofo that's why!! Something I got a while back but not posted.

Spawn Series 26 - The Art of Spawn

Mandarin Spawn 1 12 Inch

My birthday present from ya'll - Thanks guys! (Btw Mike, ya still haven't wired the money to Jackie)

I've actually gotten Jackie hooked on toys too! LOL! Now coming up next will be her stash of stuff.....

Kotobukiya Leia Organa

Neca's POTC Jack Sparrow and Kotobukiya's POTC Jack Sparrow

Neca's 12 Inch Harry Potter - Harry, Hermonine and Ron

Lol, She's really gotten into the swing of things hasn't she? There is actually more, just that I haven't taken proper pics of em yet, will do this weekend la!

1 comment:

Shaun said...

your collection's growing very fast! keep the posts coming. :)